Yesterday I posted about the vybrainium.com domain expiring. Maybe my last post wasn't quite fair. Just judging the current state of a token project by its expired domain is like judging a book by its cover. I should go further than looking at a domain WHOIS record and do some actual investigation.
This evening I paid a visit to VYB headquarters. There was an eviction notice nailed to the entrance but the door was unlocked so I went inside. I've spent quite a bit of time in abandoned Gotham City buildings and villain lair vibes were definitely saturating VYB HQ. In other words it felt like home to me.
In one room of the almost empty building was a table with a notebook lying in the center. I picked up the notebook to examine it.

Image Source: The Simpsons "Marge vs. the Monorail"
Flipping through the pages I can't say I was surprised. It was exactly what I expected.

Image modified from The Simpsons "Marge vs. the Monorail"

Image modified from The Simpsons "Marge vs. the Monorail"
I guess the page below is the next step for the VYB roadmap. In a @vyb.vyb post from November 23, 2021 it states:
Any POB received via the above direct-exchange will be transferred to @vyb.pob and held for a minimum of 1 year (as staked POB, with the exception that up to 50% may be used to fund a liquidity pool). In other words, using POB to claim VYB will guarantee that at least 50% of those POB tokens will be effectively out of circulation for at least one year (most likely, much longer).

Image modified from The Simpsons "Marge vs. the Monorail"
Very soon it will be one full year and ...
@trostparadox: Hey! How'd you get in here?
@holovision: Intruder window.
@scholaris: How much did you see?
@holovision: Uh, nothing incriminating.
@calumam: Good. Well, bye.
After returning back to my own lair I checked the @vyb.pob account. At the time of this writing @vyb.pob has over 281.5k staked POB and over 141k liquid POB. Both @vyb.pob and @vyb.vyb have little VYB staked or liquid meaning virtually all the value of the two accounts comes from POB while the VYB price is low. What a coincidence!
So far no liquidity pool has been funded. The vybrainium.com domain wasn't renewed in a timely manner and I am skeptical that the domain will be renewed during the 30 day grace period after expiration. If the vybrainium.com domain doesn't get reclaimed by the VYB project my next question is what happens to all that POB held by @vyb.pob after the one year commitment to HODL the POB lapses?

Image Source: https://peakd.com/@vyb.pob/wallet/hive-engine