Taking A Break
OK. I know I've posted some ENS addresses up for auction which is probably boring to my followers. There are a few more I could post but for now let's take a breather. Right now I am working on what's probably my longest steemit post yet so I might not post for another day or two. There is still some more research that needs to be done.
Photo Source: YouTube
Thanks for putting up with those steembay auction offers. We'll wait a week to see if anybody actually bids on anything before I post any more Steembay offers. It doesn't look like doing that lost me any followers. If anybody did unfollow I understand and there are no hard feelings.
Soon I will be posting a rather long steemit post or maybe a shorter one before that. I don't know yet. It depends on how much time I'll have over the next day or two to work on writing.