Steemhunter Assistive Technology Digest - October 13, 2018

compiled by @holovision for

Following are some recent items found by steemhunters that potentially deal with assistive technology devices or services. These are not endorsements. This is presented in this digest to show what is available and possible for people with disabilities. Also, by starting a regular digest it might hopefully encourage more steemhunters to keep the category of assistive technology devices and services in mind as they continue to hunt for more items in the future.

1.  Buzz Clip Empowering Those Living with Vision Loss

Steemhunter: @adnanrabbani


From the product material it seems this device detects obstacles at head level in front of the user using ultrasound similar to a bat's echolocation and vibrates a certain way to warn the user of the obstacle. Echolocation can be taught to most people regardless of vision and is a general human ability. Echolocation for the blind can already be done using a white cane with a metal tip at the end. I suppose though that the device's vibration may make this device useful for people who have both vision and hearing problems.

2. SAMi-3 A unique infrared camera that monitors people with Epilepsy!

Steemhunter: @focusnow


Another detection product for the disabled in this digest is the SAMI sleep activity monitor. It detects possible epileptic seizures during sleep and creates video documentation that can be reviewed by caregivers or doctors. From what I can determine this only works with iOS and isn't available for Android devices.

3. Voiceitt A speech recognition app to help people with dysarthria

Steemhunter: @deathcloud


Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that makes pronouncing words difficult. This is an upcoming app not yet released and doesn't seem to have much information such as accuracy rate posted.


Honorable Mentions:

These might not fall under assistive technology devices or services directly but they are worth taking note of: 


Steemhunter: @robertt


A specialized sleep tracker that is capable of using an app to create reports describing sleeping trends. The product includes sleep coaching software.

2. Bioresorbable electronic med Biodegradable wireless device that speeds nerve regeneration

Steemhunter: @macoolette


This device is roughly the size of a dime and is as tick as a piece of ordinary paper. The device uses electronic stimulation to help accelerate the healing of damaged nerves. Eventually the product breaks apart and is harmlessly absorbed by the patient's body.