Sidewalk Chalk Drawings During Pandemic

During this pandemic's stay-at-home order I am obviously avoiding going out to public gatherings but I still try to take a daily walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and exercise.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

I didn't go out on my daily walk one day this week. The next day when I took my daily walk I saw some freshly made sidewalk art.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

The entire drawing project goes down almost a whole block of Ainsworth Avenue and consists mostly of a kind of obstacle course where arrows direct how to move such as back, forth and around in circles.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

Several hours if not a good part of a day was put into this project by someone.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

I assume this was done by one if not several neighborhood kids with plenty of free time since the pandemic has closed all the local schools. It's hard to imagine how all the things currently going on are affecting the lives of children. Maybe this is like summer vacation has come early? I don't imagine responsible parents would let their children hang out with their friends during a pandemic.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

If I had a drone that records video I could fly it down the block and show the whole width and breadth of the sidewalk art. All I have is an android phone camera on the ground to capture still images which doesn't do it justice.

Photo Source: Personal Photo

Who is the artist or artists? As far as I can tell this is the only clue to our neighborhood's answer to Banksy. According to Google's search engine the name Noemi is, "the Classical Latin and sometimes Biblical form of the name Naomi."

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