Rough Draft Whitepaper for Hive Images Tribe and PHOTO Token

NOTE: This post is a general outline of Hive Images tribe and PHOTO token which will launch soon. Based on replies this post will likely be edited for updates and clarification. A final draft whitepaper will be posted after this post's payout next week.

PHOTO token is a token for the community of amateur and professional photographers on the Hive platform to help support and incentivize original user-generated photographic content. Hive Images will be a sister tribe of MemeHive and also serves a secondary purpose of encouraging the creation of stock images which can be used as meme templates.

The website will be a sister website of

Relevant post topics for PHOTO token include but are not limited to:

  • Color/black and white photography
  • Photorealistic images
  • Photography/photographic equipment/photo editing software tutorials
  • Discussions concerning photography
  • Photography contests
  • Holography and 3D photography


The emphasis is user-generated images. PHOTO token rewards are not meant for posts with photos not made by the user from current news media or other sources unless the photo(s) are being critiqued by the user.

Token: PHOTO
Issuer account: @hivephoto
Maximum Supply : 1,000,000,000 PHOTO
Tags: #photography, #bnwphotography, #hiveimages, #hivestockimages, #hive-134860

PHOTO token is planned to be launched on July 19, 2022. Staking and delegation will be enabled with an emission of 14,400 PHOTO minted daily for the reward pool. The payout window is 7 days. 50/50 split in curation rewards with 100% staked reward payout.

At launch 4.1 million PHOTO tokens will be generated and segregated.

  • 500,000 PHOTO staked to founder account (
  • 500,000 PHOTO staked to issuer account (@photohive)
  • 2,000,000 PHOTO set aside for promotion, contests, bounties, ect. (@photo.nft)
  • 1,000,000 PHOTO to go into diesel pools.
  • 100,000 PHOTO tokens put on market for sale at a price of 0.01 SWAP.HIVE

Shortly after PHOTO token is launched the website will be on-line and a PHOTO:MEME liquidity pool will be set up.