I'd live one year in the future. It could be utopia or dystopia but I'll take my chances in an unknown future. The past is a no-go for me.
Let's run through the scenario:
If I am living one year in the past that probably means I need to work. Even if I could get an ID card that would allow me to pass as someone who belongs in the past I am disabled. Prior to 1990 there is no Americans with Disabilities Act.
Going back to 1969 and watching man walking on the moon? I know America was secretly bombing Cambodia between 1969-1970 under Operation Menu. That would make me a possible threat to national security in the eyes of the 1969 United States government.
The same problem with living a year during World War II. I've studied a lot about the Manhattan Project. That makes me an even bigger threat to national security.
How about post-World War I (which during that year living in the past I'd have to remember to refer to as "The Great War")? Well, I am disabled and I also live in California. California, like many other states at the time, had eugenics laws. What separates me from being forcefully strapped to a table and sterilized against my will is basically a century of history.
It would just keep getting worse for me the further back in time I would go to live a year. Believe me I know what I am talking about.