How Is My Prediction About the 2020s Coming Along?
Remember when on January 1, 2020 I wrote:
What has been seen in virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality during the last few years is minuscule compared to what is coming. This decade will see even more growth in volumetric display technology and 3D entertainment.
That was the first paragraph of that post. We're three years into the decade. It seems like Mark Zuckerberg has pulled back on his plans for his metaverse but I still believe my prediction based on where technology aws heading is still on track to being realized.
A recent headline got my attention. "Google's Holographic Project Starline Shrinks to the Size of a TV"
A large screen television sized "holographic" projector. A sort of "holovision" if you will.
According to the article Google's Project Starline is working toward creating a new type of video chat experience that combines elements of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) without the need for headsets. Project Starline's goal is to provide a convincing and immersive video chat experience, making it feel like talking to someone in person.
After reading that article I thought to myself, "But it doesn't have to be someone else."
The next paragraph of my post back in 2020 stated:
Virtual assistants will become more lifelike with animation projection and will not only respond to speech but will be able to see and identify the environment around the system. For example, a user can come home from a yard sale and say, "Hey Google, tell me about this painting in my hand.". Google will see all and most people will be okay with that. It's not like Google is going to be the only brand doing that. Google will just seemingly have more of a legitimate reason as the needs for a definitive centralized real world visual search engine increase.
In 2023 we now know that ChatGPT's latest upgrades include submitting a picture for the AI model to analyze. ChatGPT can be used as a virtual assistant. Google is trying to compete against OpenAI with it's AI model version Bard.
It seems to me not to be such a stretch to imagine that Google might combine it's 3D improvement for corporate conference calls with a more personalized Bard that can be displayed as a 3D animation. Extend that concept even further and...
Image source: Stable Diffusion
Just some more motivation to renew my and domains this year.