Extraterrestrial 3D Printers (AI Generated Images)

Image source: Stable Diffusion

Generating AI images for this kind of alternate reality 3D printer was tricky. Often Stable Diffusion just generated an image of a 3D printer printing an alien figure of some kind. I wanted to keep the prompt simple as "extraterrestrial 3D printer" so these are the best results of many attempts.

Image source: Stable Diffusion

It seems Stable Diffusion just generates images of 3D printers that "look" alien when prompted to create images of extraterrestrial 3D printers.

Image source: Stable Diffusion

Maybe Stable Diffusion simply doesn't have the imagination to go far beyond what every 3D printer on Earth looks like.

Image source: Stable Diffusion

Image source: Stable Diffusion

Maybe there are a limited number of ways a 3D printer can be designed whether on Earth or another planet capable of sustaining humanoid life. Limited at least for "our" level of technology. There is the hypothetical Star Trek replicator sort of 3D printer that uses nanotechnology or femtotechnology. Those alien 3D printers would most likely look nothing like an FDM or SLA 3D printer found on Earth.

Image source: Stable Diffusion

Image source: Stable Diffusion