AlternateHistoryHub Vs. Holovision: Big Bird Edition
Apparently it is true what they often say at the end of YouTube videos. If you are subscribed to a channel check to make sure you are still subscribed because YouTuve sometimes unsubscribes users.
Yesterday I was thinking about how I haven't seen anything by AlternateHistoryHub lately. I went to the channel and found out that YouTube unsubscribed me from that channel for some reason. Over the last four months five new videos have been posted to the channel.
Guess what? The latest video by AlternateHistoryHub at the time of this writing is an alternate history I already wrote a blog post about back in 2020. What if Big Bird Had Died in the Challenger Disaster?
The video by AlternateHistoryHub is great. I'd argue a little bit with AlternateHistoryHub about his assessment of NASA's shuttle program and the AlternateHistoryHub video spent more time focusing on the January 28, 1986 date for the launch rather than how history after that date would have been altered. Check out my blog post for a more speculative examination of how history would have changed. There were details about that launch date I wasn't aware of that I know now thanks to AlternateHistoryHub.
I've been working on making some YouTube videos for my past blog posts using Speechelo for narration. I should probably focus on making a video for my "What if the DeLorean Never Existed?" blog post before someone else makes a YouTube video about that scenario.
Source of meme