Justin Sun Will Return

There's been sort of a tradition on the @holovision account ever since Hive hardforked from the Steem blockchain. Every April 1st I take a little break and @justinsunsteemit guest blogs a post. The 2020 post by @justinsunsteemit was "Justin Sun's Guide to Cryptocurrency" and the 2021 April 1st post by @justinsunsteemit was "Justin Sun's Guide To Becoming Wealthy Using Hive".

This morning @justinsunsteemit called me to request being a guest blogger on my account again on April 1, 2022. I told him basically two strikes was enough. @justinsunsteemit spent several minutes crying and begging so I gave in and said I'll give him one more chance. @justinsunsteemit promised his next guest blog post won't be a guide about anything Hive-related but it will be about blockchain. I guessed at the time that meant it would be about his TRON blockchain.

I just read a post by @edicted and now I am not sure what @justinsunsteemit is up to. It's too late now since the dump truck full of money had already been delivered by the time I read @edicted's post. Just like how I try to discredit flat Earthers because NASA pays me to do so as part of their conspiracy I made a deal with @justinsunsteemit so I have to honor it.

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