50K POB by 2025

Today I began powering down all of my undelegated Hive Power. Each week during the power down my HP will be converted to POB tokens. I should be able to get at least 1000 POB if not more to stake by the time the power down ends.

At the time of this posting I have 11,620 POB staked. To get to 50,000 staked POB I need 38,380 more POB. There are 1,156 days between now and January 1, 2025 so I need to average an increase of 33.20 staked POB each day. Right now I can easily get at least 20 POB each day by curating content on proofofbrain.io. Along with creating content using the Proof of Brain tag I also have a little over three years to compound my POB stake amount.

I think I can do this. My journey to 50,000 staked POB by 2025 starts in earnest today.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Walking