Who Do You Think!? The Libyans!
I was doing a tongue in cheek reply to a post by @cryptosniperz that if atomic power was good enough for Doc Brown's DeLorean it is good enough for mining bitcoin. While looking for an accompanying YouTube clip I came across this news report from almost ten years ago.
Is it just me or is the Back to the Future time machine connected to more crime than it should be? Biff stole the DeLorean to create an alternate timeline in which he was essentially a crime lord. Jennifer was kind of kidnapped because Doc Brown couldn't have left her as a witness to seeing the DeLorean. Doc Brown stole plutonium and hijacked a train at gunpoint.
Who stole the Krups coffee grinder? My guess is it was the grandchildren of a Libyan terrorist who was killed in a blue Volkswagen station wagon that crashed on the parking lot of a mall back in 1985. The "Mr. Fusion" theft wasn't a case of porch piracy. It was a case of revenge.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
