3D Printing My Radio Call Sign

Image Source: Personal Photo

This is my first attempt at creating an original 3D print design. It's a radio broadcast antenna graphic with my amateur radio operator call sign (W3DTV) and my name. I've had my Extra Class amateur radio license since 2014.

It's rather rough around the radio antenna design and the end didn't fully print to the edge. I may have been too elaborate making my JPEG design. I'll try less detail next time and import it into Tinkercad as a SVG format.

A little stringing around the lettering. Pulling out the stray strands with a pair of tweezers should fix that. Also I'll try making the text a little larger next time.

Any suggestions for improvements would be appreciated. Please comment below. This is a design I'll be doing some more work on. Eventually when I get a hardened steel nozzle for more abrasive filaments I want to 3D print my HAM radio call sign using glow in the dark filament.

Image Source: Personal Photo

My Thingiverse account: https://www.thingiverse.com/holovision/designs
My Thangs account: https://thangs.com/Holovision
3D printing community on Hive: created/hive-103035