3D Printing a Giant Chess Piece (Rook)

Image Source: Personal Photo
Back when I first got my Tronxy XY-2 PRO 3D printer it came with a microSD card containing models already sliced as .gcode files ready to print. I tried to print an elephant but due to the brittle nature of the sample filament large prints such as the ones on the microSD seemed prone to failure.
After the failed elephant attempt I moved on to smaller models and got in the habit of printing some designs from thingiverse.com and a few of my own designs. Today I dusted off the microSD card with sample models and tried again.

Image Source: screen capture
Since I had Hatchbox black PLA filament I thought Rook.gcode would be a good model to print. The rook is the piece on the chess board that looks like a castle. Maybe I am mistaken but it seems like Tronxy took a model of a medieval castle tower and just called it a "rook".

Image Source: Personal Photo
Well, this is a free .gcode file so why complain it's more of a functional castle tower model than an actual chess piece?

Image Source: Personal Photo
The printed model turned out quite well. When I get some white PLA again I might retry to print the elephant.

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo

Image Source: Personal Photo
My Thingiverse account: https://www.thingiverse.com/holovision/designs
My Thangs account: https://thangs.com/Holovision
3D printing community on Hive: https://peakd.com/created/hive-103035